Saturday, May 3, 2008

This is so fun! Here's the news from me....and Steve is doing well too.

I am still looking for a job, so it didn’t go as I had dreamed when I quit, but what can you do? I am working part-time “teaching” English to some Korean kids over Skype. I put teaching in parentheses b/c really I just chat with them and give them a few suggestions on improvement. They speak pretty well already. It’s fun talking to them each morning. One of the kids, who is about 12 years old, actually showed me how he could solve an Arubix (I don’t know how to spell it ) cube in about 1 minute. He wasn’t too impressed with himself, though, b/c his brother can do it in 25 seconds! haha When he was about half-way through, I commented on how fast he was and he says, “My brother would have it done by now!” So, it’s a fun job, and it’s a few hours a week.

I also started volunteering at the WIC clinic a few weeks ago. I’m learning all about breastfeeding. It’s really fascinating to me, and I like the people I work with. I do that another few hours a week.

The most exciting news, though, is that I got a new calling in my ward. I was called as the assistant Young Women’s camp director. After about a 10 year lapse I am going back to girl’s camp. I’m really excited and a little nervous. It will be different than the girl’s camps I went to growing up, with 7 or more girls just in my age group. So far we have 3 girls going, and I’m the only leader. Good thing we’re going with the stake! This morning we had a camp training where we learned to cook in dutch ovens. We made chicken fajitas and apple cobbler. Good times.

And that’s the update for now.